Tech Bulletin: NetWare Co-existence With 3174 Controller & Token Ring Attachment NOVELL TECHNICAL BULLETIN TITLE: NetWare Co-existence With 3174 Controller & Token Ring Attachment DOCUMENT ID: TB.P.194 DATE: 8/24/87 PRODUCT: NetWare PRODUCT VERSION: Shell SUPERSEDES: NA SYMPTOM: NA ISSUE/PROBLEM If a 3174 cluster controller with a Token Ring attachment is to be used on the same Token Ring network with NetWare the following steps must be taken: 1. Boot the desired version of IBM PC-DOS on the personal computers. 2. Execute the "Tokreui" command with the desired parameters, such as the node address pre-defined at the host. (With Personal System/2 computers the procedure is different.) 3. Load "Netbeui" with the correct number of service access points desired. This is explained in the Token Ring NetBIOS manual. 4. Load the IBM 3270 emulation software as instructed. 5. Link the NetWare workstation shell for the IBM Token Ring. The "ANET3.OBJ" should be the one that uses software interrupt 7B instead of 7A. This 7B shell is available through your dealer or upon request from LANSWER. If you are using an IBM Personal System/2 with PC-DOS 3.3 or using PC-DOS 3.3 with an earlier personal computer, the "DOS 3.3" shell object must be used. The version number for this shell is 2.01-2. The size is 63199 bytes and it is dated 6-15-87. The Token Ring shell object "shelldrv.obj" should be dated 8-12-87 and have a size of 4227 bytes. This shell has been corrected so that if an administrated address is defined with "Tokreui" it will be correctly recognized by the NetWare file server. See page 4-7 of your Token-Ring Network PC Adapter Guide to Operations for defining addresses. 6. Load the NetWare shell to attach to the file server. The new Token Ring shell driver object is available on NetWire.